Thank you for your email and your interest in our technology. We have made great progress in our CNTF clinical trials, so we have completed enrollment and are no longer seeking participants for these studies. I am sorry to have to deliver what you may find to be disappointing news concerning participation in our current trials, but overall, we are one step closer to making our Encapsulated Cell Technology available by evaluating its safety and effectiveness in these pivotal studies.
The clinical trial process and submission for review by the FDA will take a few years, but we are optimistic, and will work diligently to ensure the fastest possible route to the FDA. Depending on the results of that review, we may conduct additional clinical trials, but where and when we initiate those studies will not likely be determined until we have the initial results in hand. Even though you are not a participant in our current clinical trial effort, our hope is that the clinical progress will be swift, and that we may one day soon provide the quality of therapy you and your family are seeking today.
I am sorry that we do not have an email list for news updates, but we do have a website you can check in on from time to time: http://www.neurotechusa.com/ The other place you might find useful information is on the www.clinicaltrials.gov site. (http://www.clinicaltrials.gov/ct2/results?term=Neurotech+CNTF is the link to our current studies.) Most clinical trials are registered these days, so at least some of the information is available there. Just please remember that new technologies in clinical trials are not yet proven - including our technology. Until interventions are approved by the FDA, they must be considered experimental.
I hope this is helpful. For now, on behalf of the entire team at Neurotech USA, I wish you and yours good health, and sincere best regards,
Kathy D. Dickinson
Clinical Research Manager
Neurotech USA, Inc.
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